Friday, May 26, 2006

New Music Collection - Videophone

We start with some dance music from Wonderland Avenue and then leap into some excellent pop from the John James Newmand Band.

In my humble opinion there isn't enough poetry around so we recorded Greg Buddery reading "Londoner" in a street. We then slip quietly but darkly into a re-mix of Itchy Tits' Videophone.

whistle Jacket and Bebek were our international artists - the first is from South Africa and the second the States.

8 Fold provide an lovely tribute to Countdown host Richard Whitely and then we finish the show with "Name on the Cup" the England World Cup song by the Trophy Boyz.

Play the podcast now!

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The show is 30 minutes long. If you have iTunes installed you can automatically launch it here: Direct Link to iTunes

otherwise download the show here: New Music Collection mp3

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