Friday, July 07, 2006

Poem of the Year (2006)

Inspired by our local poets and my views on a certain World Cup match I put finger to keyboard and came up with this short, but succinct poem.

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease,
Not blown by the wind, but a young girl's sneeze.
Falls to the ground as if he's lost his knees.
Yup, you guessed right, that chap's Portuguese.

Xan Phillips, July 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poderá ser o poema do ano...após algumas cervejas. É só futebol. Para a próxima corre melhor (para nós e para vocês).
It could be the poem of the year...after a few beers. It's just football. Best luck next time (to England and Portugal).