This NMC is the first of many featuring artists exclusively from my home town.
Not only is Guildford the
spiritual home of podcasting but we also have a wealth of new artistic talent around the town and you are going to hear some great songs and of course some more poetry. Underneath it all, a thunder storm recorded in June 2006.
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The first band in this podcast is the youngest group in Guildford that I know of. When ‘Arthur’ recorded "Heart Stopping Specialist" two of them were only 15 years old! They are being courted by record companies across Europe but are going to finish their studies before they think about a future in the entertainment industry.
Next up are three acts that will be performing on the Ents24 Stage at Guilfest, the three day music festival in Guildford (14th – 16th July 2006)
First we will hear Newton Falkner. This was recorded live during my show on
1350AM GU2 at the University of Surrey www.gu2.co.uk in early 2005. Since then he has been championed by BBC Radio 2 and The Independent of Sunday and in 2006 wowed the crowds at South by South West in Austen Texas.
He’s a great singer/guitarist and improved his skills at the Academy of Music in Guildford which is the main source of new talent in this town.
http://www.newtonfaulkner.com/Newtown is playing at 8pm on the Ents24 Stage.

On the same day and a little bit earlier is another great singer/songwriter - Alistair McCowan. He was the former bass playing front man of Redwood. He’s ditched the four string for six and released a great solo album called “Why Can I See Stars”. The track I’ve picked from it is "Long Lost Friends". It has a great sentiment, a lovely flow and full of summer fun.
The final link in this Guilfest puzzle is the person who is probably most responsible for the rise of Open Mic Nights around Guilford. Due to the popularity of his evenings of songs and revelry Gavin Thomas inspired others to start their own nights.
Out of this came the Guildford Songwriters Night, a evening where you had to play your own compositions and the audience was expected to listen and not chat, talk or laugh. This too was popular and so it makes sense to play a recording of Gavin Thomas singing his lyrically song "The Game".
If you are going to Guilfest Gavin is the compare for the Ents24 Stage and will be playing a selection of songs before the first act each day – so get there early on Friday and hear Gavin, Alistair and Newton perform live. It is also on BBC Radio 2 and hopefully they might play a recording for these fabulous acts. So if you can’t get there due to the English Channel, Atlantic or Pacific Oceans then listen online
The next voice, and it is just pure voice, comes from Anan Tabbush. She is a folk singer/song-writer currently gigging the acoustic scene around London and South East England. She plays in a variety of bands as well as singing with the Tabbush Sisters and runs two community choirs, Brighton Vox and Guildford Vox.
http://www.myspace.com/annatabbushEvery podcast we try and have some poetry and this one comes from Gareth Strachen. He is English but spent some time in Canada running a furniture store and has also confessed to working in a book shop. He back in Guildford and planning an evening of poetry. This poem "New Mood Rising" is excellent.
It gives a great perspective on old age a subject that will become more important as the baby boomer generation suddenly realize that their working time is up and retirement is rearing its ravaged head. It is also gives an interesting perspective on shop working.
And we end with two songs about breaking up with your partner. They perfectly sum up the difference between men and women: how they think, how they react and what an ‘ending’ means to them.

The first is from Susie Clarke who is currently working with a variety of groups as well as being a solo artist. She is currently recording an EP with Nick Sowden the producer for Anna Tabbush and you can hear work in progress on her MySpace page. The song I'm playing is called "Like A River".
Those interested in trivia might like to know that Susie and her father took over the same bar that Gavin Thomas used to run.
In complete contrat that runs into a raucous piece of rock and roll from Carter Brown – a Guildford band that I met on MySpace. I love their sound and can't wait to see them live. Spill magazine said this about them: "If you like music that lays it’s nuts on the line, tries to snog your sister then drinks you’re last bottle of vodka. Carter Brown are you’re band… very cool indeed!!"
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