The Original Showcase is receiving plenty of CD’s at the moment. It’s very exciting every time I arrive at the office; wondering who has sent their music in and what it will sound like. We don’t expect much in the way of presentation but ‘more’ is usually better.
The quality is varied. Sometimes we’ll get a really smart package with a great biog; other days it’s a silver CD with permanent marker detailing the track listing. We don’t care; it’s the music that counts.
But we’ve had never received a letter written on a piece of cardboard – until now.
The band is True Swamp Neglect and maybe it’s their environmental leanings, maybe their sense of fun or maybe they just don’t care, but on right you can see the letter they sent.
Torn too! It wasn’t even a full piece. I’m not complaining but I would like to know what became of the other piece. Who was that sent to?