When you have a load of good songs, some train sounds and a podcasting ability then it makes sense to throw them all together and give it a fancy name. Plus we can rely on the lovely Jenny to lend her luscious tones to the beginning and presto hey we must have a hit!
All the music on this podcast comes from
Guildford in Surrey, UK and we kick off a new song from
Raising Sand who are an excellent four piece rock band. Legend has it they were dipped in a bucket of blues when they were born. Well worth seeing live and as this song is called Dirty Weekend I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
We carry on with the blues for the next two songs. The first is the next single from the
Martin Harley Band – titled Carnival Girl it comes form the album Money Don’t Matter, both of which are available to won, love and cherish - soon.
Then we have more new music in the shape and sound of
Jay Carter. Not only is he a young and gifted guitarist but he also teaches it too. This is a new composition and recording from him. It is called Make Your Change.
Next stop is
Greedy Fingers, or Mr Greedy as he is sometimes known. He’s a producer and recording artist who works with a variety of people. The rappers Cage and Necro feature on his album Shady Sirens as well as this track I Sell Rhymes Like Dimes performed by Greedy Fingers & MF Doom/Megalon
The we have a chalk and cheese moment as this track slips quite nicely into When You Get to Heaven by
Henta. We featured her in Volume and by now if you are listening to the podcast I hope you are suitably impressed by the quality of musicianship coming out of Guildford. And it continues with…
Hipslinky, the band with the best name in the world. This track is a b-side. It is called Time Comes Around was the second song to
Had It Occurred To You? Both of which should appear on the next Hipslinky (great name) album
The last two artists, or stops, on this Long Slow Train to Guildford both begin with a W. But that is probably the closest either gets to the other.
Rob Blackham’s latest project is called
Way Out Cinema and this piece of music is a demo of the song Choose.
And we end with the other W -
Wonderland Avenue. I haven’t seen Trisco (the man behind the desk) for a while as he’s been gigging in Russia and might even be doing a set in China. This piece of music is called Get Back and I can only describe the style as Hard Dance – I’m sure it’s not known as that but you should get the drift once you hear it.
And that’s it, we arrive in Guildford.